The Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease COVID-19 Project

A patient-powered study of the Autoimmune Research Collaborative

The Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease COVID-19 study seeks to understand the concerns and behaviors of patients with autoimmune, rheumatic, and related conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveys over time will ask patients’ about their respiratory illness symptoms, experiences of COVID-19 testing, modified doctor visits using telehealth, concerns and choices regarding immunosuppressive therapy, and preferred sources of information about COVID-19.

What we’re learning from you

Since launching on March 29, 2020, we’ve heard from more than 2,200 people living with arthritis and rheumatic disease in the United States and Canada. They’ve shared their experiences and concerns to help us understand how they are affected by this pandemic, for example:


Showed respiratory illness symptoms


Got tested for COVID-19


Diagnosed with COVID-19


Accessed telehealth

A patient-powered study of the Autoimmune Research Collaborative

This important research project is a combined effort of patient-powered research networks, their academic partners and other patient organizations.